Meeting the Chief Guide

Meeting the Chief Guide

Senior Section

The Senior Section is for young women aged 14 to 25

Members of The Senior Section can choose from a wide range of unique and exciting opportunities, including travel in the UK and around the world, volunteering with younger girls within Girlguiding as a Mentor or Leader, and working towards valuable qualifications.

The Senior Section offers an exciting and flexible programme with a huge variety of challenges and opportunities for personal development

Awards & Qualifications

Members of The Senior Section can undertake a wide range of awards and qualifications. These include the Leadership qualification, which helps them in running guiding units for younger girls, the internationally-recognised Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, the Queen’s Guide Award, the Commonwealth Award and other prestigious awards specific to guiding.

International opportunities

There are many international opportunities open to members of The Senior Section. They range from attending guiding events abroad to volunteering on community projects in developing countries.

Peer education

Members can also take part in our successful peer education programme. Young women can become Peer Educators trained to run sessions on issues that affect girls and young women such as binge drinking, bullying, stress management and sexual health.

They can also make their voices heard by, for example, joining the guiding delegation at the British Youth Council, or having a say in the future of guiding by attending one of our Innovate meetings.